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February 3, 2022

How to Cope With Anxiety Before a Job Interview: 3 Easy Tips Everyone Can Follow 

How to Cope With Anxiety Before a Job Interview: 3 Easy Tips Everyone Can Follow

“What if they don’t like me?”, “What if I answer the question wrong?”, “What if they laugh at me?” – these are the questions that haunt us before an important interview. However, a job interview is not a game of chance at the safest casino online Playamo.com, where everything depends on your luck. You can increase the possibility of being hired to the job you dream about with these 3 tips.

Allow Yourself to Accept Rejection

The most unpleasant thing about a job interview is the possibility of rejection. And a prolonged job search or money problems only fuel the excitement. It seems that you have to get the job at any cost, and you don’t even want to think about rejection.

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Dozens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of applications come in for each job. So, even statistically, the chance of getting rejected at several interviews in a row is quite high. Prepare for this situation in advance: yes, you may be rejected, but it does not mean that you are a bad specialist. Just for this particular job and for this company, in the opinion of the employer, someone was better suited. Maybe you would not like it here. But somewhere they are waiting for someone just like you.


Work with that thought. Tell yourself that rejection is not the worst thing in life. And that you will definitely find a suitable job. Think through the most unfortunate scenario, exaggerate the details to the absurd: the recruiter laughs at your personal life, the manager scolds you for your old-fashioned suit, the company director personally kicks you out of the building. When the scenario becomes absolutely fantastic, you will feel relief.

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Shake It off and Watch Your Body

The “I’m shaking all over” condition can be relieved by actually shaking your arms and hands. There is a strong connection between the body and the emotions, and it can be used to reduce anxiety. Imagine that you are quickly shaking off water: from your shoulders, from your elbows, from your hands. And you’re shaking off the tension along with the water.


If your knees are trembling, sit comfortably and stretch the joints. Are you having dark in your eyes? Cover them for a couple of minutes and take several slow deep breaths and exhalations.

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If the palms are sweating because of anxiety, dry them and try to warm them. Stretch your fingers, rinse your hands in warm water and wipe them dry with a towel.


Put a bottle of water nearby: you may suddenly get a dry throat during a meeting.


To tune in to a conversation with a stranger, use an oratorical exercise. Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eyes and take ten deep breaths. Inhale slowly and don’t linger on the exhale. Maintain an attentive gaze. This will help you concentrate and calm down.


Before you start talking:

  1. Exhale. Start talking on the exhale, not with your lungs full to maintain Metabolic Activities.
  2. Relax and put your shoulders down: this will help keep your voice clear.
  3. Be aware of the purpose of the conversation. Concentrating on your feelings only increases panic. So at the moment of your answer, remember the thought that you are now going for: that you have achieved such and such results, that you are now interested in such and such tasks or for such and such reasons you came to this company. The only thing you need to do now is to convey this thought to your interlocutor.
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Practice Your Answers

There are classic questions that are always asked in job interviews. What is your work experience, what did you do at the previous company, why did you leave there and what are you waiting for at the new place. Run through your resume and write down briefly what you will tell the recruiter.


Pay special attention to difficult issues. For example, if you were fired, you would be asked about it. Consider how to answer such a question. Try to avoid accusations against your former boss, talk only about the facts of the case.


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